Coil-Shortened Dipole Antenna Calculator
Build an effective dipole antenna that needs much less space by adding two loading
coils. This online calculator tells you how.
Total length of antenna in feet
Open the dipole length calculator in a separate page.
Distance from center of antenna to the center of the coil in feet (Must be less
than half the total antenna length given above)
Diameter of the conductor in inches (14 gauge is .065", 12 gauge is .08")
Open the wire gauge and diameter calculator in a separate page.
Operating frequency in megahertz
Use the
Coil Inductance Calculator
to design your loading coil. (Calculator opens in a separate page.)
To calculate the length of a full-size dipole, use the
Dipole Antenna Length Calculator.
"The complete set of equations is expressed in the mathematical relationship below as Eq. 1, presented here primariliy for mathematics buffs or those having access to electronic computers." -- Jerry Hall, K1PLP, QST, September 1974
Eq. 1 (This is the equation that is used to make the calculation on this
LuH = inductance required for resonance
ln = natural log
f = frequency, megahertz
A = verall antenna length, feet
B = distance from center to each loading coil
D = diameter of radiator, inches